“My Car” by Alison Brookins
Note: We are currently journeying with an association of Baptist churches as they move toward a vote on repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, for which we provide an introductory resource here. This week’s recommended resource is “My Car,” written by Alison Brookins, a playful dialogue about the Doctrine of Discovery imagined as car ownership.
It’s not often (after high school, perhaps) that plays are recommended as educational reading; this short play provides a unique, unexpected way to challenge and stimulate thought on the Doctrine of Discovery.
This piece playfully “flips the script” to unpack why the Doctrine of Discovery is not just some old dusty document but something that needs to be confronted with seriousness on the journey toward right relationships.
Consider reading through this as a radio play with friends, a home group, or even in a Sunday school class, and then spend time discussing its themes and implications.
“My Car” is excerpted from Yours, Mine, Ours published by Mennonite Church Canada.