Prayer to Love as God Loves

Creator God,

We look at your world and praise you for the diversity all around us.

Thank you for the gift of relationships, our connection with people, animals and the land.

Help us, Lord, to see differences and diversity as strengths.

Help us to listen and understand; to meet one another with wonder and anticipation.

Help us to love as you love, without expectation.

Reveal to us your way of reconciliation and guide us into right relationships with all living things.

Lead us to understand how Indigenous peoples have been and continue to be profoundly harmed by settler people and institutions.

Lead us to repent when we as settlers deny Indigenous peoples respect, dignity and fullness of life.

Help us to listen compassionately, to speak humbly and to act justly.

Help us to seek the peace, justice and reconciliation you desire among all your children.

Thank you for your mercy and grace.


-prayer produced by Mennonite Central Committee


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2023


Praying even when discomforted