Praying for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

We pray that all parts of our society honour the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Allow us through words, actions, policies, and programs to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the minimum standard for the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples, and as a framework for reconciliation. Guide us, Holy Spirit, as we seek to live out our commitments to truth, healing, and justice.

Just a note that yesterday, June 21st was the deadline for the Canadian government to produce an action plan for implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s into law. This deadline was given by National Chief Perry Bellegarde when Bill C15 was passed in June 21, 2021. The action plan can be found here. Many Indigenous leaders continue to assert that consultation is not yet happening in a meaningful way. As people of faith we need to continue to watch and pray as we honour the commitments we made as a nation to these principles. The principles of human rights, according to philosopher Nicolas Wolterstorff, can not be upheld, apart from the idea that humans bear the image of God and as image bearers are deserving of just and fair treatment in society.


Praying even when discomforted


Prayers for National Indigenous People’s Day